Workshop on “Deployment and Business Impact of Next Generation Optical Access”

Considering the continuous increase in application bandwidth, an upgrade of the access network infrastructure seems inevitable, and FTTH is considered as the next logical step for the access network. However, in Europe, where often a fully buried installation is enforced by legislation, the costs are huge and quickly overweigh the expected revenues. It is crucial to find the optimal deployment strategy taking into account implementation details, technological choices, recurrent operational expenditures future (expected) technologies and migration paths. Next to this, the position and interaction between the different actors in the current (and future) business landscape will also be very important for the development of a valid and sustainable business model. Aligning as much as possible with all actors in the field - municipalities, regulator, customers, operator, vendor, etc. - will be required to get the best feasible business case.

The intention of this workshop is to start up discussions on the different aspects of future deployment of optical access networks. More in particular the workshop will discuss practical implementation issues, long term business models, regulatory impact, technology choice and open access FTTH network business models. In this workshop existing knowledge and input will be brought in from the FP7 ICT OASE and the IBBT ICON TERRAIN project. The workshop is also in cooperation with the Belgian Broadband Platform.

Date published: 15/06/2010
Link: CTTE conference